Pardon my confusion. I get this way sometimes. The figures I discuss below are not something I came up with on my own. I saw them earlier on the Web and now for the life of me can't remember where and can't find them (but I'm also not killing myself trying). So when I figure it out, I'll give proper credit where that credit is due.
My point: Two arb cases left and the two figures are so close I'm very hopeful they split the difference and shake hands. Avoiding a hearing is always good. Avoiding it this year is even better. Let's not have anything hanging over anyone's head as the team heads into what we all hope is a much more positive, upbeat and productive spring training.
No issues hanging with a GM. Nobody flying off to Phoenix for a hearing. Nothing to do but get ready for the season.
So do it. The Nats and Sean Burnett are about $150,000 apart. Meet in the midde. The Nats and Brian Bruney are about $350,000 apart. Meet in the middle. Get it done. That's not enough to quibble over on either side.
Josh Willingham's reported deal is $4.5 million, which seems reasonable. I can't remember if he has one more "arb" year after this or if he's a free agent for 2011. Yeah, I know it's out there. But NCIS is on. I'll look it up later.
As for my own wallet, it looks like I'll be able to save a little money this year. I saw the new batting practice hat today (picture above if I did it right). Don't much like it, so I don't think I'll be adding it to my collection. I did get some cool Nats goodies for Christmas. I'll write about those later.
And who says the Nats have no international presence? Pacific Rim, baby!
I dug a little and found a translation for our Pacific Rim correspondent's comments. Here it is:
"I'm the Chinese sweatshop worker who made that batting practice cap, and I think it's fugly too. Also, watch out for the cadmium sweatband inside it."
I like the BP hat
Needham is back - http://dcbb.blogspot.com/
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