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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Renew? Yes or no?

Waiting for me when I got home last night was my 2010 season ticket renewal package. I guess I have to make a decision pretty soon. If I choose to keep my seats and do it on the same payment plan I did last year, the first chunk is due next weekend.

I don't understand the points, the free ticket availability or any of that stuff. I like it simple. This is what I pay. These are the seats I get (the same I had in 2009, which I loved). These are the games.

Friends I've discussed this with are split. Some are, some aren't. There doesn't seem to be any pattern or underlying reason why on either side.

What to do, what to do? I ended up using more of my plan games in 2009 than I did in 2008. The exchange program was much better last year and it was easier to use tickets we'd otherwise have to eat to make a weekend out of other games later in the year.

I can't wait to see who becomes the manager. I can't wait to see what free agents are signed, what trades are made. Well, I can, but I risk losing my seats and my payment plan if I do. So I can't.

What's everybody else doing?


An Briosca Mor said...

I renewed for better seats back when the first renewal e-mail came out. The $100 food credit ate up half of my upgrade cost. As far as the points go, I look at them as gravy. I always end up going to extra games, so I should be able to use the points for that.

Anonymous said...

I renewed last week. Same seats, same plan (Plan B). The only thing I understood about any extras was that I paid for 21 games and got 22.

Dave P.

An Briosca Mor said...

I don't understand the "paid for 21 games and got 22" thing. Can you elaborate? Partial season plans to my understanding are for 21 games at the stated per-game price, plus getting half price tickets for the Red Sox exhibition. Having to buy the exhibition game as part of the package is a new thing for partial plans. Previously it was just the full-season plans that were forced to buy that game too. I wonder what the StubHub market will be for that Red Sox game? Will Red Sox Nation pay face value for an exhibition game? We shall see...

Anonymous said...

An Briosca Mor,

You are correct about the 21 games and half price for the Red Sox. Sorry for the confusion. Although I'm still trying to figure our why anyone would even pay half price for Red Sox tickets, let alone full price.

Dave P.