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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Out of town, out of touch

What little business I have these days generally keeps me close to home. Now and then, I do have to travel and this is one of those times. For about 24 hour now, I've been almost totally out of touch. It's an odd feeling in this always-connected world to lose that connect for a while. How did we ever survive, oh, 10 years ago?

Anyway, I did catch up with a few things:

*Livo signed a minor-league deal, I think I heard? Yeah, I'm OK with that. No rational reason. I just love a pitcher who look like me.

*Rain and cold hits Florida. Great, especially since THAT IS WHERE I AM. I'm tired of all precipitation. I'm tired of cold. Even if I was close enough to Viera to sneak a look at spring training, there wouldn't be any.

I'll be sort of out of it for another 24 hours or so. Make my life complete and send another poll over 100 votes. I do it once and I'm getting greedy. We have another day left on the current poll.


natsfan1a said...

Dang. Almost made it. You should leave them up for a few more days, and allow us to vote early and often. :-)

MikeHarris said...

There's a thing that allows for multiple votes per person - but I'm not THAT desperate. Yet.
Thinking of a new poll as we type (while working on a post about pitching). One that will be sure to get more over 100.
Or not.

natsfan1a said...

Great, will watch for it.